ويب أبلكيشن SQL Server – C#.Net – HTML – CSS – Java script – ASP.Net MVC – LINQ– Project


فى هذا الكورس ستتعلم برمجة و تصميم المواقع من خلال تعلم بعض اللغات و التقنيات الخاصه بالأضافة الى عدد من الأمثلة العملية بعد الأنتهاء من الكورس ستتمكن من انشاء موقع إليكتروني بشكل كامل لشركة أو مصنع أو غيرهم و العمل من خلال منصات العمل الحر و شركات تصميم المواقع

المحاور التي سيتم دراستها

SQL Serve

  • Database Items
  • Normalization
  • Relationship
  • Sample to design database
  • Data type in SQL Server 2008 R2
  • How to install SQL Server 2008 R2
  • Structure Query Language (DDL – DML – DCL – TCL – TSQL)
  • Database files (Data file – log file) and File Group
  • Create – Alter – Delete database using SQL language
  • Create – Alter – Delete database using SQL Server management studio
  • Attach and detach Database to SQL Server
  • Create – Alter – Delete Table using SQL language
  • Create – Alter – Delete Table using SQL Server management studio
  • Data manipulation language DML (Insert – Update – Delete – Select)
  • Create – Alter – Delete View using SQL language
  • Create – Alter – Delete View using SQL Server management studio
  • Types of Join
  • Aggregates (Built in Function)
  • User define Function (Create – Alter – Delete Function using SQL language)
  • User define stored procedure (Create – Alter – Delete procedure using SQL language)


  • Items of .Net Framework
  • How to install visual studio 2010
  • C# Data type
  • Using C# console application
  • Variables
  • Statement in C#
  • Declaration statement
  • Assignment statement
  • Arithmetic operation
  • Casting (convert from data type to anther)
  • Control statements
  • If statement
  • Switch case statement
  • Attrition statements
  • For statement
  • For each statement
  • While statement
  • Do while statement
  • Arrays
  • One diminution array
  • Multi diminution array
  • Array list
  • List
  • Methods
  • Enumeration
  • Structure

Object-oriented programming

  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Overload
  • Inheritance
  • Override
  • Abstract
  • Sealed
  • Polymorphism
  • Static class &method


  • What is ASP.Net
  • Using visual studio .Net to make web site
  • HTML tags
  • Java script
  • Cascade style sheet (CSS)
  • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
  • Creating MVC Models
  • Writing Controllers and Actions
  • Creating Views with Razor Syntax
  • Using HTML Helpers and Re-using Code in Views
  • Analyzing Information Architecture
  • Configuring Routes and Creating a Navigation Structure
  • Using Layouts
  • Using AJAX and Partial Page Updates
  • Implementing a Caching Strategy
  • Implementing Authentication and Authorization
  • State Management
  • Publishing and Deploying an ASP.NET MVC Web Application (using IIS)

هذا الكورس معتمد من :
  • اس ام جى للاستشارات وحلول التدريب.